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Sejak kehadiran bangsa Eropa Khususnya Belanda di Nusantara, berbagai upaya dilakukan untuk menguasai perdagangan termasuk di Kepulauan Maluku sebagai sumber utama produksi cengkih. Latar historis ini dapat diamati melalui sebaran tinggalan arkeologi masa Kolonial yang ada di wilayah ini, salah satunya adalah Negeri Larike yang berada di pesisir barat Jazirah Leihitu. Melalui metode analisis deskriptif dan analogi sejarah, tulisan ini dimaksudkan untuk mengidentifikasi sebaran tinggalan arkeologi yang ada di Negeri Larike, serta peran wilayah Negeri Larike dalam konteks historis masa Kolonial. Hasil penelitian mengungkap bahwa terdapat beberapa tinggalan arkeologi yang ada di wilayah ini. Ragam tinggalan tersebut sekaligus memberi gambaran peran wilayah sebagai salah satu wilayah pemusatan produksi cengkih dan pusat administrasi pemerintahan Belanda untuk wilayah Pesisir Barat Jazirah Leihitu.
Since the presence of Europeans Especially the Dutch in the archipelago, various attempts were made to control the trade, including in the Maluku Islands as the main source of production of cloves. This historical background can be observed through the distribution of archaeological remains of the colonial period in this region, one of which is the Larike Village located in the west coast of Leihitu Peninsula. Through descriptive analysis method and historical analogies, this paper is intended to identify the distribution of archaeological remains exist in Larike Village, as well as the role of the territory Larike Village in historical context Colonial period. Results of the study revealed that there are several archaeological remains exist in this region. The remains variety as well as describing the role of the region as one of the area concentration clove production and administrative center of the Dutch government for the territory of the West Coast Leihitu Peninsula.
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Kapata Arkeologi by Balai Arkeologi Maluku. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at Copyright Notice.
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